guides for the solo traveler & urban rambler



Cities as the muse for our professional and personal life, our work and our minds …

Cities of Note is written for creative thinkers who think by walking, for ramblers in love with the ballet of the city, and for all those who find themselves being their own most distinguished company. It’s for people who seek out aesthetic experiences in all forms, whether it be eating, sleeping, caffeinating, rambling, or browsing.

The guide is biased toward espresso bars and bar seating, bookshops and reading spots, people-watching from public- and semi-public spaces, and clean, well-lighted places. It veers away from the too hip or too crowded, where you might feel that, as a solo traveler, you’re taking up space.

Each place of note gives space for your imagination to play. Inspiration may come from a shop that houses impeccable craft, design, or ambience, or from an intersection suffused with an air of daily life that gives you insight into the local culture. Recommendations are often grouped by proximity, where one place is the jumping off point for visiting the next.

Happy reading and safe meandering!

Photo credit: Michelle McSwain

Photo credit: Michelle McSwain

Cities of Note is produced by Patra Jongjitirat of As the Crow Walks, a cartography and design studio based in New York City.